Self-Catering Accommodation - On Line Risk Assessment Demo

Part 1 - What is Being Assessed?

In this Risk Assessment, "visitors" refers to paying guests and others likely to visit the premises. "Workers" and "employees" means anyone working on the premises whether employees, self-employed, contractors, voluntary workers or workers on work experience or otherwise. All other references to "people" are references to visitors, workers and any one else who may be on the premises.

    Answer every question. If it is not applicable, write not applicable or select the N/A option. This shows you have considered the risk.

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Cotswold Guest House Limited

Risk Assessment No: 1/2011

What is the address of the Unit being assessed?

Describe your premises in as much detail as possible eg is it self-contained, the number of floors, the number of rooms, how old the building is, does it have a garden, where the guests park etc
What is the maximum number of workers likely to be at risk at any one time?
What is the maximum number of visitors likely to be at risk at any one time?
Do children stay?
Where do you keep, or will you keep, your Safety File?
Where do you keep, or will you keep, your employees' first aid box?
Where do you keep, or will you keep, your Health and Safety Poster?
Where do you keep, or will you keep, your visitors' first aid box?
What is the name of the person making this Assessment?
What is that person's Job Title?
Assessment Date: [Enter today's date]
Do you have any female workers who are of child bearing age?
Do you have any workers with disabilites or long term health problems?
Do any of your workers work alone?
Do any of your workers work at night?
Do any of your workers use computers?
When will you next review this assessment [enter a date no more than 12 months hence]
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